Tlws Johnson – Glass

Red ammonite





My Christian name is Welsh and is pronounced ‘Cloose’.In 1996 I was awarded
an Honours Degree in Ceramic and Glass from Buckinghamshire College,
High Wycombe.In 1997, with the help of a set-up grant from Southern Arts,
I established my own studio making kiln formed glass and ceramics.
The transparency and depth of colour of the glass have always delighted me.
Placed on a window ledge it seems to trap the sun; while on cloudy days
the interior reflects with hidden secrets. Most of the forms are organic,
coloured with metallic oxides, though my recent work is based on ancient stones.
Most of my work is sculptural but I also makes bowls and water fountains.
I welcome commissions and give regular workshops in fused glass.
See my website for more details

Full member of Oxfordshire Craft Guild
Full member of Buckinghamshire Arts Society
Member of Buckinghamshire Visual Arts Group
Member of the Core Group
Member of the Contemporary Glass Society

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